Dave Macleod-Elliott – Spokesperson for the development
In the design layout of both Rivergate Business Park and the Pegasus Park Security Enclaves, the town planners identified centrally located nodes in each of the parks – for the development as a public open (green) space.

One of the benefits of such spaces was that staff from the surrounding businesses could use these spaces during their lunch break and enjoy a meal here.
The open space areas provide the opportunity for a food vendor to position themselves here, on a hard landscaped surface, providing an outlet for the vendor and a convenience for local employees. Soft landscaping and benches are provided to the parks.
These facilities have appropriately been named ‘lunch-boxes.” The township developers have now completed the landscaping to these facilities.
Nowadays, more emphasis is placed on business parks being designed to be environmentally sustainable and develop social health and lifestyle. Besides many ecological and environmental services, business parks provide significant social and spiritual benefits to human societies.
What are the positive environmental impacts and health benefits of small parks and green spaces?
Parks are emerging as important public health solutions in urban communities. Research evidence confirms that nearby nature, including parks, urban forest and green spaces, support health and wellness. Further they offer suitable spaces for physical activity, stimulating recreational walking and therefore reducing sedentary time (sitting a lot).
Improved General Mood and Attitude – investigators have found evidence of lower frustration and increased brain activity, resembling meditation, when moving in green space versus being in retail and commercial areas that have no trees and green spaces.
Stress Reduction – the experience of nature is one antidote to stress, and the body’s positive response is remarkably fast, occurring within minutes. Studies by environmental psychologists show that visual exposure to nature, in the form of trees, grass and flowers, can effectively reduce stress, particularly if initial stress levels are high.
Better Mental Health and Functioning – experiences of nearby nature contributes to better mental health and improve one’s capacity to be productive. Views or brief experiences of nearby nature help to restore the mind from mental fatigue, as natural settings provide respite from the highly focused attention needed for most tasks at work. This may contribute to higher productivity in the workplace, as research shows that office workers with a view of nature are better able to deal with tasks, report fewer illnesses.
Improved Mindfulness and Creativity – nature settings offer sensory inputs that are mentally restorative and can foster ideation. In a study of creative professionals, nature experiences enhanced creativity by evoking new ways of thinking, promoting curiosity, and encouraging more flexible thinking. A nature recharge may support creativity, as the restored mind is better at analysing and developing ideas.
Building Social Capital – social capital, a critical condition for a host of community benefits, is formed from the interpersonal relationships of people and resulting supportive networks. The mere presence of landscape or trees promotes community connections.
Active involvement in community greening and nature restoration projects also produces social benefits, including strengthening of intergenerational ties and organizational empowerment.
For more information on the Rivergate development contact Dave Macleod-Elliott on 021 556 233 (o) or 083 453 7777.
Dave Macleod-Elliott – Aska Property Group Sales Director: Commercial and Industrial
March 2022
The Aska sales team are pleased to report a significant upsurge of interest in the Pegasus Park security enclave, during the first quarter of 2022. Close to 50% of the recently serviced plots have been sold. Pegasus Park is the second security enclave launched in the business park by the Township Developer – Milnerton Estates. All plots in the park are zoned mixed use (MU2).
Many of these enquiries, for both residential and industrial use, are from Gauteng and KZN. These enquiries are evidence of the ‘semigration’ trend to the Western Cape.
The greater western seaboard remains one of the fastest growth nodes in the Western Cape. In the nearby Parklands development, all available land has been sold by the developer. In the neighbouring and newer Sandown development, the Sagewood residential enclave has been sold out. And sales in the Sandown development, are brisk. Twenty-five plots were sold in the first half of March 2022.
In Pegasus Park, ‘Industrial building starts’ are underway. The first mini-unit factory complex in this park is now complete with several others at advanced stages of planning.
The Pegasus Park erven range in size from 1100m2 – 6620m2 in extent. A bulk factor of 0.65 and development levies are included in this price. Prices commence from R 2,173,300 (incl. of VAT).
For further information, kindly contact Dave Macleod-Elliott on Tel: (021) 556 2333 or mobile 083 453 7777.
Click here to go to Pegasus Park
Dave Macleod-Elliott – Aska Property Group Sales Director: Commercial and Industrial
November 2021
Following the opening of the single carriageway on the 29 October 2013, it soon became apparent to what extent Sandown Road has proved to be a vital link to and through this fast-growing metropole. The link immediately alleviated the traffic bottlenecks in the greater area, by providing a second much needed, east – west corridor, connecting the R27 West Coast Road to the N7 National Road.
The rapid growth over recent years, has seen the popular developments of Parklands, Sunningdale, Sandown & Rivergate, more than double the size of Table View.
These new developments have provided thousands of new homes. Several retail malls, offices, restaurants, and medical facilities have opened. Churches, gyms, and sporting facilities are in operation.
The area also now offers some of the finest private schools in the Cape. A university recently opened its doors.
The traffic flow occasioned by this rapid growth soon necessitated the dualling of Sandown Road.
To expedite the dualling of the road, two engineering and contracting teams were appointed. The funding of the project was undertaken through a Public Private Partnership, comprising of The Western Cape Government, The City of Cape Town and the township developers, the Milnerton Estates Limited, the Aska Property Group and Garden Cities.
Of interest:
• This dualling forms part of the macro future planning, where Malibongwe Drive connects to Giel Basson Drive to form an arterial, connecting Blaauwberg / Sandown to Goodwood & beyond.
• The Sandown Road / M12 dualling was completed in December 2020 at a cost of R183 Million.
• The Loop ramp / Potsdam to feed southern bound traffic onto the N7 was completed in June 2021 at a cost of R35 million.
Sandown Road Dualling
Tony Clarke – Joint MD Aska Property Group
3rd December 2018
After 11 years of planning, the Sandown Road Link was opened on 29 October 2013. The opening was celebrated by not only those attending the “Road Opening Ceremony” hosted by township developers Garden Cities, The Milnerton Estates and The Aska Property Group, but equally celebrated by the motorists using this east-west link between the West Coast Road and the N7 Freeway.
From the word “go” the road link was an immediate success. Traffic streamed along the road right after the official opening by Minister Robin Carisle, and bottles of champagne were handed out to the happy motorists. It was said then that work on implementing the second carriageway needed to start immediately.
Sandown Road is threaded through the residential suburbs of Sunningdale, Parklands and Sandown as well as the Rivergate commercial and industrial development. The opening of this east-west link brought relief to motorists previously restricted to using the internal road networks of these suburbs. Locals will remember queuing on Gie Road for what seemed like endless periods.
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Launched in November 2013, Cape Town’s exciting new industrial area, has certainly hit the Western Cape’s industrial market by storm! The Rivergate development, by land owners Milnerton Estates and the Aska Property Group, was put to the market when the Sandown Road link was opened.
This road link connects the R27 West Coast Road to the N7 freeway. The picture below shows the roads being installed in the first phase of the business park (bottom right hand side) and the Sandown Road link extending in the direction of Table Bay.
The Sandown Road / M12 link has created the “northern gateway” into the Parklands and Sunningdale developments as well as the recently announced suburb by Milnerton Estates –“Sandown”.
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Unprecedented demand being experienced for the new
Rivergate industrial area.
Dave Macleod-Elliott, Sales Director of Aska Property Group, reports that since the launch of the new Rivergate Industrial area, situated adjacent to one of the fastest growth points in the Western Cape; a total of 44 industrial properties have been sold within 8 months of being put to the market, equating to a land sales value in excess of R140m. The Rivergate development is yet another successful development to be launched by the Joint Venture partnership, comprising the land owners, Milnerton Estates Ltd. and the Aska Property Group (Pty) Ltd.
Rivergate is ideally located, just north-east of Table View and east of the Atlantis railway line and straddles the new Sandown Road precinct; providing direct access via Malibongwe Boulevard (M12) to the N7, the N1, greater Cape Town and in particular, to Cape Town harbour and the airport.
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Rivergate Phase 1 – SOLD OUT
Since the release of Rivergate, during October 2013, a total of 43 mixed-use light industrial sites have been sold, amounting to a sales value in excess of R 136 Million.
Rivergate Industrial Park – Phase 1
The Rivergate Industrial Park is an enclave of smaller erven ranging from 450m2 upwards. These erven, accessed through a security gate, have proven to be of great demand. Phase 1 of the Rivergate Business Park, comprising 30 mixed-use light industrial sites was sold within weeks of being put on the market. Roads and services to the first phase are currently under construction and are due to be completed during the first week of June 2014
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Rivergate sells at a fantastic pace.
“The sale of plots in the Rivergate Industrial Park has been fantastic,” said Tony Clarke, marketing director of the Aska Property Group. He was emotive with his announcement that plots were now available and selling in the new Rivergate Business Park – and they are selling fast!
The Rivergate area offers commercial, industrial, institutional, and residential property to the Cape Town market, with a range of opportunities. The industrial park, a secure-type enclave within the Rivergate development, offers mixed-use plots ranging in size from 800m² to 3,000m² whilst elsewhere in the development plots range from 5,000 m² to sub-divisional superblocks of 80,000m².
Although a mix of land uses is permitted it is expected that the Rivergate Business Park will primarily be developed for light industrial, warehousing, manufacture and commercial use.
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Parklands sales remain strong – Rivergate unbelievable!
At the end of October we achieved two goals – we opened the Sandown Road Link through Parklands and we launched Rivergate. During November, the Aska sales team concluded 53 land sales in these developments with a sales value in excess of R90 million …with many more sales in the pipeline!
Parklands accounted for 28 of these sales. 27 of these were zoned for single residential homes confirming that this suburb remains a popular choice for individuals and developers. Whilst there are guidelines in place in Parklands, the guidelines offer sufficient flexibility in the design ensuring that homeowners can create an individually styled home to suit their requirements. Prices for plots in Parklands range between R300,000 and R650,000. The remaining Parklands sale was for a commercial site situated at the intersection of Sandown Road and Parklands Main Road – where the Parklands Plaza is planned.
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Dave Macleod-Elliott (Sales Director – Aska Property Group) 22 Oct 1023
The Aska sales team report that they have been inundated with enquiries from all sectors of the market over the past few months.
Parklands – Single Residential Sales
The sales tempo of single residential erven has picked up significantly this year. Since January 2013 more than 220 sales having been achieved in the exciting new phase of Parklands, situated north of Sandown Road. Nathan Green, Sales Executive of Aska Property Group, who specializes in packaging designer “Plot & Plan” homes, works closely with local architects and a panel of preferred builders, ensuring his clients get the best value for money. Nathan and the architect tailor-make the home around the client’s needs and affordability then submit this plan and specification to the panel of builders to ensure that the most competitive price is obtained. One can say, that Nathan offers a “one stop solution” to plot and planning your new in Parklands.
R200 Million in infrastructure unlocks new growth corridor
In 2007, the WCG constructed the Potsdam/N7 interchange at a cost of R60 Million and in 2011 the City completed the M12 linking infrastructure at a cost of R65 Million. And, during 2012, the City approved the subdivision application for the land to the east of Parklands – determining the position of the Sandown Road reserve and unlocking the development opportunities here.
With this approval and the position of the road now determined, Garden Cities, Milnerton Estates and the Aska Property Group commissioned the construction of the Sandown Road Link including the road-over-rail bridge. The tender awarded for this link injected a further R64 Million into the infrastructure here. And during March this year, Milnerton Estates and Aska awarded a further tender for the extension of Parklands Main Road to the north so as to connect with Sandown Road.
In all, some R200 Million has been injected into the infrastructure to improve the road network. This provides new routes to and through the suburbs, links the West Coast to the Northern Suburbs and provides better access to Cape Town’s international airport.
“Rivergate” – the new development unlocked here, will be launched simultaneously with the opening of the Sandown Road Link during October 2013. Rivergate offers mixed use commercial, industrial, institutional and residential opportunities
The Rivergate Commercial Precinct straddles Sandown Road and permits the development of multi-storey buildings to accommodate both office and retail use, including shops, supermarkets, financial institutions, showrooms, cafés and restaurants. Properties here offer excellent views of Table Mountain to the south and the Durbanville hills to the east.
Rivergate Business Park will offer a range of opportunities for medium to larger development, with erven ranging from 5,000m² to sub-divisional superblocks of 80,000m². The superblocks are available from R820/m² VAT inclusive. Whilst a mixed use of activities is permitted, it is expected that the business park will primarily be developed as light industrial, warehousing, manufacture and commercial uses.
Rivergate Industrial Park is the first development undertaken within Rivergate. The industrial park will be securitized by an electrified palisade walling/fence combination with a guard house positioned at the entrance. Erf sizes in the industrial park range from 450m² to 3,000m² with “early bird” prices ranging from R1,200/m² to R1,350/m² VAT inclusive.
Whilst the Design Guidelines for the development do not prescribe a specific architectural style, they encourage the consistent use of materials and finishes that will ultimately give rise to a coherent theme and character to the business park. Guidelines and a review committee will guide development here. A managing agent has been appointed to maintain the standards determined for this development.
Within the Rivergate development provision has been made for the establishment of the train station and bus stations. Public transport passengers can easily connect to the future MyCiti bus stations to be built at each foot of the road-over-rail bridge. In addition to the station and transport node, the land in this precinct has been suitably zoned to accommodate regional facilities such as a Police Station, Magistrate’s Court, Municipal Offices, a clinic, a library and commercial development.
Single residential and walk-up apartments by turnkey developers will be available for the more affordable income market south of Sandown Road. Provision has also been made for a school, near to the public transport interchange.